Bayside Marketplace Mall
401 Biscayne Blvd, Pier 5 - Slip 33
Miami, FL 33132
Drop-off: Next to Victoria's Secret

Store 28242

Store 1006029

Store 810003
As Miami's premier dive center, we are the sole facility authorized by PADI, SSI, SDI, TDI, and ERDI to provide certifications in scuba diving, specialty courses, and Public Safety training. We also offer courses in Emergency First Response and First Response Provider.
Lionfish (pterois volitans/miles) eligible for entry, may only be taken during the Derby. No previous caught or frozen lion fish will be allowed, however, please keep all lion fish on ice.
Derby teams must physically check in at the Captain's meeting to participate in the Derby. We encourage all team members to attend the Captain's meeting. The Captain's meeting will take place at 401 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL, 33132, Bayside Marketplace Mall, at.....
Team members not checked in or who have not signed the Legal waiver Form and the Lionfish Understanding of Risk Form will not be considered entered in the Derby regardless of whether registration fees were paid.
Only legal means of capture in areas allowing use of those gear types will be allowed. All existing federal, state , and local laws must be followed. All State and Federal laws will be strictly enforced.
Lionfish may be taken by spear, hand net, slurp gun or hook and line. No chemicals, traps or other collecting mechanisms are allowed.
Teams will be limited to 2 persons max, 2 persons min. The Derby is limited to 36 hunters (18 teams) per day. To qualify for prized, participants must register and show proper identification. All participants must sign a Legal Waiver Form and a Lionfish Understanding of Risk Form to be considered registered in the Derby. Single entries are allowed and will be teamed up with other single entries by way of drawing numbers to form 2 person teams.
Non-refundable registration fees are $ 160 per person ($320 per teams) plus tax and fees. The registration fee includes Derby Entry, Boat Trip, (3) Air Fills (Air), Custom Derby Rash Guard and makes each participant eligible for derby prices.
Protective gloves should be worn when handling lion fish. Participants are encouraged to carry a safety kit for first aid purposes.
Derby dates and times:
Day 1 - February 18, 2023 7am.
Day 2 - February 19, 2023 7am.
Lionfish caught will be counted as long as the collection occurs during Derby dives (aboard M/V E-ZEN-TIAL) and fish are present at the Scoring Station. All prices will be awarded at the award ceremony at Pier 5, Slip 33 at Miamarina after the completion of day 1 (February 18, 2023) and day 2 (February 19, 2023). Prizes will be awarded as follows:
Day 1: Smallest Lionfish - $ XXX.XX (per team)
Largest Lionfish - $ XXX.XX (per team)
The most Lionfish - $ XXX.XX (per team)
Day 2: Smallest Lionfish - $ XXX.XX (per team)
Largest Lionfish - $ XXX.XX (per team)
The most Lionfish - $ XXX.XX (per team)
Grand Prize - The most Lionfish (both days combined by the same team) - $ XXX.XX
** Derby organizers encourage teams to enter both days to increase their team's chances of winning the Grand Price **
If fewer than 3 entries are received in any category, the remaining awards will be left as unclaimed.
All Lionfish must be in whole condition (no missing heads or tails). Largest and smallest fish will be determined by total length of the fish, in inches o mm, measuring from tip of snout to tip of tail.
The limits of this Derby will be the waters of East Florida where removing of Lionfish by snorkeling, SCUBA diving and fishing is currently allowed by local, state and federal authorities. Participation in this Derby grants you no special considerations.
All entrants agree to allow Derby officials, Zookeeper and Ace Diving to take and use photos and videos for media and promotional purposes.
The Derby takes place regardless of weather conditions. The Captain of the Boat M/V E-ZEN-TIAL makes the final decision as to weather conditions and if it is safe to run the trip(s). The Captains decision is final !!
In the event of a tie, the winning team will be determined by the earliest checkin of its lionfish at the Scoring Station.
All cash prices will be awarded to the Team Captain.
The Lionfish Derby is a honor system tournament with the Captain being responsible for team compliance with the Rules.
Anyone found violating Derby Rules by the Derby officials will be disqualified from receiving any Derby prizes and prohibited from entry in any future derides.
Decisions of the Derby official are final.